The Revolution of Healthcare: Smart Medical Devices Transforming the Future

Dental and Oral Health

The Revolution of Healthcare: Smart Medical Dev...

It is not surprising that the healthcare sector is undergoing a significant transition in an era characterized by technological developments and the digitization of almost every aspect of our lives...

Sep 27, 2023

Diagnostic Precision: The Rise of Medical Imaging Technologies and Market Trends

In recent years, significant strides have been made in the realm of medical imaging, ushering in a new era of possibilities for healthcare professionals engaged in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring a diverse array of medical conditions and diseases. The convergence and developments in the state-of-the-art techno...

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Herbal Medicine Market
What Is Herbal Medicine? A Comprehensive Exploration of Nature’s Healing Gift

Herbal medicine, also known as traditional medicine, botanical medicine, herbalism, or natural medicine, is an ancient healing practice that dates back thousands of years. Herbal Medicine is part of the alternative medicine system, which encompassed several other forms of medical systems. As per the WHO, “Tradition...

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Artificial Organs Market
Innovative Solutions, Lifesaving Possibilities: Evaluating the Artificial Organs Market Dynamics

Over the past few years, there has been a remarkable advancement in the artificial organs market. Cutting-edge research, technological innovations, and breakthroughs in the artificial organ segment have revolutionized healthcare and extended the lives of countless individuals facing organ failure or similar impairm...

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Aesthetic Implants Market Outlook , Key Trends and Developments
Aesthetic Implants Market : Evaluating the Major Factors Creating the Demand for Aesthetic Products

The idea of aesthetic implants or cosmetic surgery has always been a topic of conversation and debate in the healthcare market. Despite that, the demand for aesthetic implants has grown several folds over the past few years, especially among the younger generation, to enhance their physical appearance and to look m...

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Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Dental Care Market
Evaluating the Key Trends and Technologies Shaping the Future of Dentistry

Oral diseases, while largely preventable, are one of the major health burdens globally and affect about 3.5 billion people. Dental caries or cavities (commonly known as tooth decay) and gum (periodontal) disease are the most common conditions that severely affect oral health and account for the most considerable pa...

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World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day 20th March 2019 This World Oral Health Day vow to practice good oral hygiene for a healthy and pretty smile. Take care of your Oral Health and protect your overall health. Eat a well-balanced diet and check for the signs of oral cancer.

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Meeting the Unmet Need for Oral Mucositis

Oral Mucositis (OM) refers to erythematous and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa observed in cancer patients under chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In its severe form, OM presents as confluent, deep ulcerations. Typical manifestations are atrophy, erythema, ulceration, and swelling of the mucosa. It appears fi...

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Oral Mucositis Pipeline Insights, 2015- A DelveInsight Report

In current scenario chemotherapies and radiations are prominently used to cure cancer which results in adverse effects. Oral Mucositis is one such adverse effect that results in ulceration in the mouth due to high dosage of chemotherapy. The patients undergoing head and neck cancer chemotherapy are at a high risk of...

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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary condition leading to chronic lung infections and eventually dec.....

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Market intelligence (MI) is described as the information or the data derived by a company from the m.....

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End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) occurs when chronic kidney disease (CKD) has reached the stage where .....

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Cancer, an immunologic condition that can begin in any organ or tissue of the body is the second lea.....

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A formal medical disorder affecting approximately 10 percent of the world population is trypanophobi.....

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HIV-associated lipodystrophy (HAL), is a condition characterized by the redistribution of adipose ti.....

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