Questions and Answers on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

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Questions and Answers on the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Mar 13, 2020

What is a Coronavirus?

Coronavirus are a large group of viruses that are known for causing respiratory infections or diseases ranging from as normal as the common cold to life-threading epidemics like SARS, and MERS.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a novel infection caused by novel Coronavirus now termed as SARS-CoV-2 originated in Hubei province of Wuhan, China.

What is Pandemic?

Pandemic is an epidemic that has spread globally and has been designated so by the WHO.

Where did the virus come from?

Coronaviruses are known to be transmitted to humans from animals such as bats, civet cats, and dromedary camels. These are common cold-causing viruses in animals.

How many confirmed cases and deaths have been reported?

As on March 11th, global confirmed cases of COVID-19 registered are 124,518 confirmed cases with 4,607 deaths across 118 countries, according to statistics presented by the WHO.

What is the fatality rate of COVID-19?

The fatality rate of COVID-19, so far, is 3.4%.

How do we know it’s a new Coronavirus?

The genetic mapping of the novel Coronavirus as done by many researchers and institutions worldwide has shed light on it being a novel virus belongs to family Coronaviridae.

How is Coronavirus spread?

The virus is likely to spread from the infectious person through air droplets. When a non-infected person comes in contact with the infected respiratory droplet containing viral particles, the person can get infected from SARS CoV-2.

Can I get Coronavirus from a package?

The package that has been travelling from one geography to the other, and has been exposed to varied temperature conditions poses a lower frequency of spreading Coronavirus. However, If the package has been contaminated with infected respiratory droplets that are still afresh, and somehow get in contact with the eyes, nose or mouth of a non-infected person, the person can catch novel Coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of the Coronavirus?

The most common symptoms of SARS CoV-2 are fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. However, different sets of people reported different symptoms and some tested positive for the COVID-19 did not show any symptoms at all. It is to emphasize that around 80% of those developing symptoms are able to recover without any special care.

How infectious is the Coronavirus?

The rapid spread of the disease shows a high human-to-human transmission, labelling it as a highly contagious infection.

Should you make your own hand sanitizer?

Yes, why not. However, for that, very high alcohol is required. Either the rubbing alcohol or at least 180 proof alcohol, which needs to be diluted and the mix should be just right for a disinfectant.

Is there a treatment for the Coronavirus?

Several pharma companies and healthcare institutions are in a quest to find a cure for the pandemic. However, as on the date the article is being published on, there exists no FDA-approved drug or vaccine that can cure or prevent SARS CoV-2.

How to reduce your risk of the Coronavirus?

Prevention is better than cure. As the saying goes, ensuring regular cleaning of hands with alcohol-based soap, avoiding touching of nose, mouth and eyes, maintaining distance with an infected person, avoiding visiting crowded places, especially animals’ market are some of the things that can help reduce the risk of catching the virus.
