Allergic Conjunctivitis (AC) – Common disorder with increasing prevalence

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Allergic Conjunctivitis Market
Allergic Conjunctivitis Therapy Market and Pipeline Analysis

More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year. They are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with an annual expenditure of USD 18 Billion. For some allergies mean constant sniffle, sneeze or cough due to occasional weather change, dust or air, whereas for others it can be due to kno...

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Allergic Conjunctivitis (AC) – Common disorder with increasing prevalence

Allergic Conjunctivitis (AC) is a common eye disorder characterized by the inflammation in the tissue that lines the inside of eyelid and outside of the eyeball called conjunctiva. It usually happens when a person’s eyes come into contact with an allergen, a substance that makes the body’s immune system to overreact...

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