Cancer Treatment Market

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Potential of EGFR Inhibitors: A Promising Avenue in Cancer Treatment

In the realm of cancer treatment, the development of targeted therapies has been nothing short of revolutionary. Among these advancements, EGFR inhibitors have emerged as a powerful weapon in the fight against certain types of cancer. EGFR, or Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, is a protein found on the surface of c...

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Curing HIV with gene therapy
In a blind race to cure HIV, can Gene therapy be a deal-breaker?

HIV infection has become a global health burden, has claimed over 32 million lives so far since the very first case of AIDS was reported in 1981. According to a report put forward by the WHO, HIV prevalence was reported to be around 37.9million by the end of 2018.  However, HIV has grown to pandemic proport...

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