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Widespread Usage of HPV Vaccine Reduces Cervical Cancers and Precancers

HPV (Human papillomavirus) is a very commonly found virus and most people have experienced it at some point in their lives. There are almost 200 different strains that can be split into low risk and high risk. Low-risk HPV usually doesn’t cause many problems, it usually causes conditions like genital warts. Whereas...

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prophylaxis– Expected to see a steady growth from 2015-2025

A total of approximately 7.3 Million people were vaccinated with HPV vaccines in 2016, as per the latest report of DelveInsight. Human Papillomavirus is a double stranded DNA virus that infects squamous epithelia including the skin and mucosae of the upper respiratory and anogenital tracts. HPV is a group of more th...

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