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Widespread Usage of HPV Vaccine Reduces Cervical Cancers and Precancers

HPV (Human papillomavirus) is a very commonly found virus and most people have experienced it at some point in their lives. There are almost 200 different strains that can be split into low risk and high risk. Low-risk HPV usually doesn’t cause many problems, it usually causes conditions like genital warts. Whereas...

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cervical cancer
Cervical cancer

Ladies, January is the month of raising awareness about cervical cancer. In the US, 250000 women are affected every year. One can refrain from the cancer by avoiding human papillomavirus, or HPV, which is sexually transmitted. We can eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem through intensified vaccinati...

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transthyretin amyloidosis
Regeneron/Sanofi’s PD-1 drug candidate; Zika targeting drugs and vaccines developments; CMO of Achillion will leave this month; Lincoln’s anti-malarial drug

Regeneron/Sanofi’s PD-1 drug candidate will be tested with ISA’s HPV immunotherapy Regeneron and Sanofi’s PD-1 candidate cemiplimab is paired with Dutch biotech ISA Pharma’s human papillomavirus (HPV) targeting drug for testing. The new drug is competing to become the sixth PD-1/PD-L1 drug on the market. Joined with...

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