psoriatic arthritis treatment

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Giant-Cell Arteritis Treatment Beyond Glucocorticoids: Exploring Horizons

Giant-cell arteritis (GCA), alternatively referred to as temporal arteritis, is a form of vasculitis primarily impacting arteries, particularly those in proximity to the temples. If left untreated, it may result in notable complications such as loss of vision. Diagnosis of the disease is often complicated by its pr...

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HUMIRA Biosimilars in the US: The Talk of the Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Market

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a type of chronic inflammatory arthritis that affects approximately 1 in every 10 people with psoriasis. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is most common in adults aged 30 to 50. However, psoriatic arthritis can develop at any age, including children. Accordin...

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