Rare disease market

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Rare Disease Market Drivers | Orphan Drugs
What are the Market Drivers Fueling the Rare Disease Market?

Rare diseases–also go by the name Orphan diseases–are the conditions that do not affect many individuals out there in one particular geographic area. Going deeper into the definition, it also means a lesser patient pool for a therapy developed for one identified rare condition. Unfavorable drug uptake would automat...

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Rare diseases challenges | Rare diseases clinical trials, incidence, and funding
The Paradox of Rare: Chalking out Challenges in the Rare Disease Market

How is a Rare disease defined? Well, it depends on the geography in question, since there is no universal definition, even so, the definition revolves around the point of prevalence or incidence of rare disease. If we talk about the United States, a rare disease affects fewer than 200,000 people (Orphan Drug Act). ...

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