targeted therapies

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What is Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA)?

Cholangiocarcinoma (BILE Duct cancer) is a type of uncommon CANCER. It arises in Bile ducts. The Bile duct is a long tubule like structure which connects the liver (hepatic duct) to the gall bladder (cystic duct). It carries bile, which helps in digestion of food, from gall-bladder (produced in the liver) to inte...

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Rising of Orphan Drug Development

Introduction: Any disease that affects less than 200,000 patients or 1 in 1500 is termed as a rare disease. There are around 5000 to 8000 rare disease reported, out which only 10% have cure. According to the European Organization for rare disease, 80% of rare diseases are genetic in nature. Some of the rare disease...

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