Da Vinci Surgical System

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Robotics in Surgery: Has the Revolution Arrived?

With the onset of the fourth industrial revolution in the twenty-first century, a new branch emerged: Robotics. Robotics is the amalgam of computer science and engineering to make programmable machines that aim to assist humans in their tasks and produce results with minimum error. From space science to healthcare ...

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Robotic Surgery in the Healthcare System
Robotic Surgery: Navigating the Growing Demand, Ongoing Trends & Developments in the Global Market

It's no longer startling to learn that the best-performing surgeon at a hospital isn't human. With their unrivaled precision and ability to work without fatigue, medical robots are one of the most valuable applications of robotics in the healthcare industry. These robots are used in various medical scenarios, inclu...

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How Robots Are Introducing A New Dimension To Healthcare Service Delivery

Artificial intelligence and robotics are the two technologies that have shown the potential to address and provide solutions to many contemporary issues. The manufacturing sector has been using robotics for quite a long time. However, over the past three-four decades, robots are in use in other sectors as well, suc...

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