Assessing the Major Growth and Ongoing Developments in the Clinical Diagnostics Market

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Assessing the Major Growth and Ongoing Developments in the Clinical Diagnostics Market

Oct 31, 2022

Clinical Diagnosis (Dx) is the identification and confirmation of disease or disorder or exposure to xenobiotics to explain the clinical manifestations shown by the patient. It is also performed to assess the state of health of an individual (routine health checkup), functioning of any organ or associated metabolic process (such as the extent of damage caused to an organ due to disease or injury and improvement in organ function due to treatment) and to distinguish one disease from other especially when similar manifestations are associated with multiple diseases or comorbid condition occurs. It may also be conducted to identify the cause of death in case of posthumous diagnosis. Diagnosis is the most important aspect of the healthcare sector, essential to identify the cause of the patient’s abnormal state and enable subsequent palliation, postexposure prophylaxis, or treatment.

Clinical diagnostics include the various methods and equipment utilized to monitor the state of health and diagnose a medical condition. Some popular and routinely performed clinical diagnostic tests include general and organ function tests, infectious diseases tests, and imaging tests. The major driving forces behind the growth of the clinical diagnostics market include the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, rising cases of lifestyle-based health problems, increasing geriatric population, increasing cases of infertility, and growing awareness of health, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key players operating in the clinical diagnostics market include Abbott, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Hologic Inc., bioMérieux SA, and others. 

Types of Clinical Samples in Clinical Diagnostics 

The clinical samples are categorized into the following categories: Solid and liquid samples. Solid clinical samples are collected during surgical or biopsies and include body tissue pieces. Liquid clinical samples comprise body fluids such as blood and urine. 

Type of Clinical Samples

Clinical Sample Type

Sample Name

Solid samples


Tissue biopsies



Liquid samples

Blood (whole blood, serum, plasma)


Bone marrow 

Placental or umbilical cord blood

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


Synovial fluid


Amniotic fluid


Peritoneal fluid

Pleural fluid


Nasopharyngeal swab

Wound swab


General Purpose Instruments, Equipment, and Apparatus Used in Clinical Diagnostics

The product type segment of the clinical diagnostics market is segmented based on the instruments, equipment, and apparatus.

Types of Instruments, Equipment, Apparatus, Protective Gears Used in Clinical Diagnostics




ECG machine

  • It evaluates the functioning of the heart for any heart-related problems. 
  • It is also used to learn about the heart’s overall health before surgical and nonsurgical procedures. 


  • X-ray generates images of tissues and structures inside the body. 
  • The x-ray images of the heart, lungs and chest walls help diagnose various health problems, including shortness of breath, emphysema, pneumonia, and others. 
  • X-ray machines can also detect any bone and joint injuries and diseases. 
  • Mammography devices based on x-ray help detect breast cancer at its early stages by creating images of the internal structure of the breasts.


  • Healthcare professionals use it to look at and examine the internal body organs and structures, including the brain, spinal cord, and others. 


  • Ultrasound, with the help of high-frequency sound waves, allows images to visualize subcutaneous body structures, including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels, and internal organs, for any damage or changes. 

Biochemistry analyzer

  • These are used to measure various components, such as sugar, cholesterol, protein, enzyme, etc., in blood and urine samples for early detection and diagnosis of disease. 
  • It is also used for indicating the effects of treatment and patient prognosis.

ELISA reader/microplate reader

  • It reads the fluorescent, chemiluminescent, or chromogenic response of the ELISA in a 96-well plate.
  • It provides quantitative information about the extent of the response for each well of the plate.

Hematology analyzer

  • These are used for doing complete blood count (CBC).



  • A refrigerator is essential for storing samples, cultures, specimens, and other laboratory preparations in any hospital and diagnostic lab.


  • An incubator is used to maintain the optimal temperature, humidity, and gaseous content of the atmosphere for facilitating the growth and maintenance of microbes and cell cultures in diagnostic labs. 

Lab balances

  • Lab balances, considered the heart and soul of diagnostic laboratories, are routinely used to accurately weigh samples, chemicals, and other substances to get desired results without error.


  • In clinical diagnostics, centrifuges are used to separate liquid and solid components. 
  • They are used to separate blood cells from serum/plasma and sediment from urine. 
  • Measure the volume fraction of erythrocytes in the blood (the hematocrit). 
  • Separate bound from free components in protein binding and immune procedures.


  • Microscopes are major diagnostic apparatuses used for studying samples and detecting the presence of pathogens such as microbes, bacteria, or other potentially deadly microorganisms. 
  • It is used to observe tissue samples such as biopsies for making an accurate diagnosis. 

Mixers, shakers, and stirrers

  • Mixers and shakers are used to homogenize samples before testing.
  •  A magnetic stirrer or magnetic stir plate is commonly used in laboratories to properly mix different samples so that they are homogeneous in consistency and temperature and allow measuring instruments to achieve stable readings more quickly.


  • Electronic or manual pipettes are used for collecting, measuring, and transferring liquids in small quantities.

Reagents and probes 

  • In clinical diagnostics, reagents screen antigens, pathogens, co-infections, genetic diseases, and other physical diseases.
  • These may include enzymes, indicators, and dyes, among others.
  • Examples – Alcohol, Taq Polymerase, SYBR Green, TaqMan, and others. 

Sample Collection Apparatus


  • The blood collection tube facilitates the drawing of a predetermined volume of liquid.
  • It may contain additives that stabilize and preserve the specimen before analytical testing.
  • They are made up of sterile glass or plastic with a colored rubber stopper creating a vacuum seal inside the tub.

Urine container 

  • It is for the collection of a urine sample for further diagnostic tests. 

Needle and syringes 

  • These are used for collecting blood samples. 

Portable or Handheld Diagnostic or Monitoring Devices

Pulse oximeter 

  • It is used for measuring the oxygen saturation levels in the blood. 


  • It is utilized for listening to the sounds made by the heart, lungs, or intestines, as well as blood flow in arteries and veins by the physician. 


  • It is for measuring the temperature of the body. 


  • It is a blood pressure monitoring device that determines the dangers of hypertension and other issues. 

Blood glucose monitors 

  • Blood glucose monitors display blood sugar levels.

Protective Gears

Lab coat

  • Act as a barrier against potentially hazardous substances. 
  • Protects from accidental spillage of chemicals and samples. 

Face mask

  • Reduces the chances of infections and inhalation of harmful gases. 


  • Personal protective equipments prevent the risk of the spread of infection and maintain hygiene. 


  • Reduces the risk of contamination and disease spread. 

Types of Clinical Diagnostic Tests

The test segment of clinical diagnostics market is segmented based on the complete blood count, metabolic panel, lipid panel, cancer testing panel, liver panel, infectious disease testing, and others.

In the test segment of the clinical diagnostics market, the cancer testing panel dominated the segment with a significant market share in 2021. 

Types of Clinical Diagnostic Tests

Test Type

Test Subtype

Component Detected

Test Indication

General and Organ Function Tests

Liver function tests


Serum bilirubin: Both conjugated and unconjugated

Total serum proteins and albumin globulin ratio

Liver enzymes: AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT). ALP, GGT, LDH, 5’-NT 

Prothrombin time

Others: Ferritin, alpha-fetoprotein, ceruloplasmin, cholinesterase test, alpha-1 antitrypsin, galactose tolerance test, HBsAg, Haptoglobin

Jaundice, hepatitis

Blood tests 


Blood cell count

Autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial infections, aplastic anemia, iron deficiency

Metabolic panel


Glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, chloride, BUN (blood urea nitrogen), and creatinine

Kidney disease, breathing problems, diabetes

Lipid panel


Total cholesterol, (high-density lipoprotein) HDL, (low-density lipoproteins) LDL, triglycerides

Evaluation of cardiovascular risks

Thyroid function test


TSH tests, T4 tests, Free T3, Reverse T3, thyroid antibody Tests, thyroglobulin, radioactive iodine uptake

Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s disease, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer

Kidney function test

Glomerular function

Urine examination, Serum urea, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), calcium, phosphorus, protein, albumin, creatinine clearance, urea clearance, inulin clearance, dilution, and concentration test, serum electrolyte levels

Kidney diseases, diabetes, kidney stones

Tubular function

Hearing test



Hearing loss and hearing diseases 

Eye examination 



Evaluate vision, cataract, and eye diseases

Vitamin D test


Vitamin D levels

Vitamin D deficiency, hypervitaminosis, hypocalcemia 

Infectious Disease Tests

Genetic material-based assay

Polymerase chain reaction 

Genetic material (DNA/RNA) of pathogens

Tuberculosis, viral infections such as COVID-19, Ebola virus and Zika virus, HIV, HCV, hepatitis B virus, human papillomavirus, and cytomegalovirus.

Also used in diagnosing noninfectious diseases such as genetic diseases, autoimmune diseases, malignant neoplasms, and infections among others

Real-time RT-PCR

Reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)

Microarray assays 

CRISPR-based assays

Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)

Next-generation sequencing techniques 



Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

Antigen, antigen-antibody complexes, antibody

HIV, COVID-19, and others

Fluoroimmnoassay (FIA)

Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

Chemiluminescence immunoassay


Widal test


H and O antigens of Salmonella typhi


Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST)


Detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Giensa stain 



Malaria and other parasitic infections

Microbial culture 


Type of microorganism responsible for the infectious disease, e.g., bacteria, fungus, viruses 

Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections

Other Tests

Imaging tests 

X-ray (radiography, mammography, angiography, intravenous urography, barrium contrast x-ray, bone densitometry or DEXA scan

Detects certain tumors and other abnormal masses, bone fractures, pneumonia, some types of injuries, calcifications, foreign objects, or dental problems

Breast, lung, and other cancer types, bone diseases such as fractures.

arthritis, Paget’s disease of bone and cancer originating in bone, osteomyelitis, and others

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Computed tomography (CT) scan

Ultrasound scanning

Poistrion emission tomography (PET) scan 



Radionuclide scanning

Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) scan


Needle biopsy

Abnormal cell growth

Cancer, autoimmune diseases, organ transplantation 

Image-guided biopsy

Surgical biopsy

Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy

Laparoscopic biopsy

Endoscopic biopsy

Shave biopsy/punch biopsy

Liquid biopsy

Pregnancy tests

Urine test (qualitative)

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Confirmation for pregnancy 

Blood test (qualitative and quantitative)

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)


Abdominal ultrasonography

Developing embryo or fetus 

Obstetric ultrasonography

Vaginal ultrasonography

Lumbar puncture


Cerebrospinal fluid 

Meningitis, encephalitis, cancers of the brain and spinal cord, and other central nervous system diseases

PAP test 


Precancer cell on the cervix

Cervical cancer

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test 


Elevated levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) protein in the blood 

Prostate cancer

Digital rectal examination


Abnormal mass in anus and rectum

Prostate cancer

One test is not limited to specific condition(s) or category and may be recommended in multiple condition(s) or category

Challenges Associated with Clinical Diagnostic Tests

Though clinical diagnostic tests are essential for disease diagnosis, several challenges are still associated with them. 

  1. Incorrect diagnosis (false positives and false negatives) – In clinical diagnostics, the results are not always trustworthy, as there might be cases of false positives and false negatives. False positive is when diagnostic test results show the presence of the disease condition when it is not present. Similarly, in case of a false negative diagnostic test, results show the absence of the disease when it is present. For example, during the pandemic, there were many false positive and false negative cases, thus questioning the test’s accuracy. 
  2. Undiagnosed conditions – Another case in clinical diagnostics is undiagnosed conditions. The clinician cannot identify the disease with certain symptoms and characteristics. This necessitates the need for technologically advanced diagnostics for specific disease identification. 
  3. Delayed diagnosis – In most cases, the disease is diagnosed at later stages when the patient has fewer chances of survival. Some diseases do not show any signs and symptoms and may remain hidden for several years, such as in cases of cancer, HIV, and others. It is essential to have routine diagnostic tests so that any present health issue is diagnosed or treated on time. In a few cases, people don’t have accurate knowledge about the disease and thus may neglect the major signs and symptoms, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. 
  4. Risks of diagnostic tests – Though diagnostic tests are widely utilized to diagnose several diseases, certain risks are still associated with some clinical diagnostic tests. For example, there is a risk of radiation exposure in imaging tests such as x-rays, CT scans, and others. Also, there is a risk of the spread of disease while sampling collection and testing, especially in the case of air-borne diseases such as COVID-19. In that case, it is advisable to wear proper protective gear to avoid exposure to disease-causing pathogens. 
  5. Acceptability of the test – In the case of some clinical diagnostic tests, the patient might feel uneasy or uncomfortable while the sample is being collected. For example, in the case of a Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) test doctor to examine the prostate gland for certain bumps, soft or hard spots, or other abnormal areas will insert a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum, which might not be acceptable to some of the patients leading to discomfort and other issues. 
  6. Cost, availability, and accessibility – One of the major issues around clinical diagnostics is that not every test is available at every hospital and clinic, especially in the case of rural areas. Even if it is available, not everyone can afford it. Hence, government initiatives to make screening and treatment facilities available to vulnerable people will help overcome this challenge. 
  7. Errors – The errors in clinical diagnostics can be divided into three phases – Pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical. The pre-analytical phase includes the maximum number of errors, such as incorrect test requests, damage to the sample while transporting and storing, inadequate samples, and others. The analytical phase starts with sample preparation for testing and ends with test interpretation by the technologist. The errors of the analytical phase are a mix-up of the sample, a procedure not followed, instrument or equipment malfunction, and others. Lastly, in the post-analytical phase, errors such as incorrect data entry and failure in reporting may occur. Proper guidelines from sample collection to reporting results should be followed without any negligence. 

Clinical Diagnostics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as an important tool in the healthcare industry, including clinical diagnostics, and tends to make breakthrough advancements in medical science. AI-based clinical diagnostic tools and technologies assist healthcare professionals by providing quick, accurate, precise, and error-free diagnoses of diseases and helping them to make correct decisions regarding the treatment and management of the disease. Al-based diagnostic software makes judgments for diagnosing and identifying diseases based on existing data fed to it as a training set. Currently, AI-based techniques such as machine and deep learning are employed in detecting diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, skin, liver, lung, eye, and others. For example, QUANTIB® Prostate, an AI-based software, analyzes MRI prostate scans and detects abnormalities to diagnose prostate cancer accurately.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Software for Disease Diagnosis

Software Name

Company Name



NIRAMAI Health Analytix

Screening of breast cancer



Screening of diabetic retinopathy



Cardiac monitoring


Digital Diagnostics

Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema

InferRead CT Lung


Screening of lung cancer

Cina Chest AI


Chest imaging for detecting pulmonary embolism (PE) and aortic dissection (AD)

RV/LV Analysis™


Assessment of potential right ventricular dilation



Bone trauma X-ray



Detection of breast cancer


Nanox Imaging Ltd

Detection of chronic and acute bone, heart, and other diseases

ProFound AI

iCAD Inc

Digital breast tomosynthesis

Factors Driving the Clinical Diagnostics Market

There are several factors impacting the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. Some of the prominent factors include:

Increasing prevalence of infectious diseases 

The rise and spread of COVID-19 showed the vulnerability of the world toward dangerous infectious diseases. Within a short period, every country reported millions of cases, including deaths due to COVID. 

For instance, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2022, there were 5,543,556 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide in June 2022. In that case, the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, not only COVID-19 but others, can be considered one of the main reasons behind the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. Clinical diagnostic techniques are utilized in diagnosing, prognosis, and monitoring multiple infectious diseases. For instance, real-time PCR (qPCR) measures the amount of genetic material present by adding fluorescent dyes to the sample, which was widely used in the diagnosis of COVID-19

The growing number of tuberculosis cases is another factor in the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. For example, according to the WHO 2021, around 10 million people worldwide had tuberculosis, including 5.6 million men, 3.3 million women, and 1.1 million children in 2020. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) is one of the diagnostic tests used widely to screen tuberculosis.

The rising burden of cardiovascular diseases

One of the prominent factors that led to the growing popularity and high utilization of clinical diagnostics worldwide is the growing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. CVDs are a group of disorders affecting the heart and blood vessels, including rheumatic heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart failure, and heart attack. As per WHO 2021, around 17.9 million people worldwide died from CVDs in 2019, indicating the growing need for diagnostic tools and techniques for accurate diagnosis of CVDs so that the doctor can make proper decisions regarding treatment and surgeries, which will reduce the mortality rate. Diagnostics techniques like blood tests, electrocardiograms (ECG), echocardiograms, and others are used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. 

Growing incidence of cancers

Cancer associated with abnormal growth of cells is a group of diseases that may affect any part of the body, including the breast, colon, prostate, and lungs. The rising incidences of cancer are another crucial aspect behind the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. For instance, as per the WHO 2022, there were around 2.26 million cases of breast cancer, 2.21 million cases of lung cancer 1.93 million cases of colon and rectal cancer recorded in 2020. This indicates the growing need for clinical diagnostics techniques, including biopsies, imaging tests such as MRI, CT, nuclear scan, and others, along with certain lab tests that may indicate the presence of a tumor at early stages, increasing the rate of survival of a patient. 

Increasing cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infertility 

The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and others is a major driving factor for the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. For instance, according to WHO 2021, around 1 million people worldwide acquire STDs every day. Also, as per the same source, it was estimated that there were around 129 million cases of chlamydia, 7.1 million cases of syphilis, 82 million cases of gonorrhea, and around 156 million cases of trichomoniasis recorded in 2020. 

Moreover, as per the data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2022, around 1,189,700 people in the US had HIV in 2019. Also, as per the same source, around 30,635 people received a diagnosis of HIV in 2020 in the US. 

Several clinical diagnostics techniques are utilized in the diagnosis of multiple STDs. For example, as per CDC, there are three types of tests for HIV detection, Nucleic acid tests (NATs) which detect RNA of HIV; antigen/antibody combination tests can detect p24 antigen and HIV antibodies in a single test; and lastly, the antibody tests that can detect IgM and/or IgG antibodies against HIV. Some of the FDA-approved HIV tests include Hologic Inc.’s NATs-based Aptima HIV-1 Quant Dx Assay and Bio-RAD’s GS HIV Combo Ag/Ab EIA which is an Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the simultaneous detection of HIV p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV-1 (Groups M and O) and HIV-2 in human serum or plasma among others. 

Further, the rising infertility cases are another driver for the clinical diagnostics market. For instance, as per the WHO 2020, it was estimated that around 48 million couples were living with infertility in 2020. Infertility is the inability to have a first child, which may happen in males and females due to different causes. Male infertility may result due to some chronic health issues, infections, and injuries, among others. Female infertility may result from menstrual disorders such as PCOS, PCOD, STDs, etc. The clinical diagnostics tests for infertility include blood tests, ultrasound, x-ray, laparoscopy, and Chlamydia tests for females and semen analysis for males. 

Increasing geriatric population and rising awareness of health 

The increasing geriatric population is likely to accelerate the clinical diagnostics market. For instance, as per the WHO 2021, the world population is aging rapidly, and by 2050 there will be 80% of people living worldwide. 

The increasing age makes one susceptible to various health problems, including CVDs, diabetes, cancer, and eye and ear problems. For instance, according to the American Cancer Society (2022), breast cancer is highly prevalent in middle-aged and older women, with 62 being the median age for breast cancer diagnosis. Further, as per the National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders under the US Department of Health and Human Services 2022, approximately one in three people aged between 65 and 74 have hearing loss in the US. This indicates the increasing need for hearing tests which will further assist in making crucial decisions regarding the treatment and management of hearing loss problems

Moreover, another driving factor in the clinical diagnostics market is rising health awareness. Due to increasing concern over health among people, there has been a tremendous rise in routine health checkups escalating the market growth of clinical diagnostics. Also, doctors’ recommendation of annual tests for diseases, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, STDs, and others, will further accelerate the clinical diagnostics market. For instance, many physicians recommend an annual prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) for males aged 50 or above.

Also, the rise in government initiatives worldwide to educate and inform people of various health-related aspects is another driving force for the growth of the clinical diagnostics market. For example, under National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) by the UK government, young women under 25 years are offered free chlamydia screening in community settings, such as GPs and pharmacies. The program aims to reduce the harm from untreated chlamydia infection. Further, CDC’s National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides timely breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to vulnerable women. 

Key Players in the Clinical Diagnostics Market

Clinical diagnostics is highly competitive, with numerous international and regional players in the market. 


Abbott is one of the world’s largest healthcare companies with the central purpose of helping people to live their healthiest possible lives. It is a publicly-listed company and is headquartered in the United States. Its core business is nutrition, diagnostics, medicines, and medical devices.

Product Name

Product Description

Alinity c

  • The Alinity c is a compact clinical chemistry system that maximizes the throughput of photometric and potentiometric assays. 
  • It runs more tests in less space, generates test results faster, and minimizes human errors.

Architect HIV Ag/Ab Combo

  • It is a chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay for the simultaneous qualitative detection of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) p24 antigen and antibodies against HIV type 1 (HIV-1 group M and group O) and/or type 2 (HIV-2) in human serum and plasma (EDTA and heparin). 
  • It is intended to aid in diagnosing HIV-1/HIV-2 infection, including acute or primary HIV-1 infection. 
  • The assay may also aid in diagnosing HIV-1/HIV-2 infection in pediatric subjects (i.e., children as young as 2 years) and pregnant women. 

i-STAT cTnI Cartridge

  • It measures the level of cardiac troponin I, improving the diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction (MI). 
  • It also aids in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) to their relative mortality risk.


  • ABBOTT PRISM system is an automated immunoassay analyzer designed to perform chemiluminescent immunoassay (ChLIA) technology.
  • It is a fully automated, high-volume blood screening instrument designed to enhance the safety of the blood supply.

Abbott RealTime M2000

  • The Abbott RealTime SARS-C0V-2 assay is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) test authorized by the US FDA for use by authorized laboratories, using RT-PCR technology for the qualitative detection of nucleic acids from the SARS-CoV-2 virus and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection from individuals meeting CDC clinical and/or epidemiological testing criteria.


BD is one of the world’s largest global medical technology companies actively involved in advancing the world of healthTM by improving medical discovery, diagnostics, and care delivery. It is a publicly listed company headquartered in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, and the United States. The company has three principal business segments: BD Medical, BD Life Sciences, and BD Interventional.

Product Name

Product Description

BD VACUTAINER® blood collection tubes

  • BD VACUTAINER® is for collecting, transporting, and processing blood samples. 


  • It is a fully automated system for rapidly detecting Mycobacteria in clinical specimens other than blood.
  •  It is also used for the antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Mycobacteria, including SIRE and PZA susceptibility testing.

BD VERITOR™ Plus system

  • The BD VERITOR™ Plus System offers point-of-care testing with SARS-CoV-2*, Flu A+B, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and Group A Streptococcus assays – providing rapid diagnostic testing in a convenient, portable instrument.

BD VERITOR™ system for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 Menactra

  • It is a chromatographic immunoassay for the direct and qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigens in nasal swabs from patients with signs and symptoms suspected of COVID-19.

BD DIFCOTM antigens

  • It facilitates the diagnosis of several diseases and provides fast and clear results. 

F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. 

Roche is one of the world’s largest biotech companies, a leading provider of in vitro diagnostics, and a global supplier of transformative, innovative solutions across major disease areas. The company is focused on finding new medicines and diagnostics and establishing data-based insights that evolve the practice of medicine and help patients live longer, better lives. It is a publicly listed company headquartered in Switzerland. The company operates worldwide under two divisions: Pharmaceuticals and diagnostics.

Product Name

Product Description


  • It is a multi-dye, real-time PCR multiplex test for the COBAS® 5800*/6800/8800 systems.
  • It assists in the real-time detection and identification of HIV, HCV, and HBV.
  • It covers five critical viral targets in a single test (HIV-1 group M, HIV-1 group O, HIV-2, HCV, and HBV). 

COBAS® 4800 BRAF V600 mutation test

  • It is a real-time PCR-based assay that detects BRAF V600 mutations in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPET) human tissue. 
  • It treats patients whose melanoma tumors harbor a mutated form of the BRAF gene by selecting patients for treatment with vemurafenib alone or combined with cobimetinib. 
  • Additionally, the test is intended for use in detecting BRAF V600 mutations in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) tissue.


  • It is for quick, early, and reliable detection of albumin in the urine. 
  • The product comprises 30 test strips for the immunological, semi-quantitative in vitro determination of urinary albumin or evaluation by visual reading.


  • A dry chemistry test for the early and reliable detection of kidney diseases, diabetes, and urinary tract infection (UTI).
  • It is also used for prevention screening, treatment monitoring, and patient self-testing. 

COBAS® SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A/B assay

  • It provides urgent, accurate answers to rule in or rule out influenza and COVID-19 in 20 min from a single test, enabling early and effective early patient care.

bioMérieux SA 

bioMérieux SA is a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics. It is privately owned and is headquartered in Marcy l’Etoile, France. The company’s strategic focus areas include antimicrobial resistance, acute care, sepsis, syndromic approach, and food and pharma safety. bioMérieux SA is involved in developing high-performance solutions based on three key areas of in vitro diagnostics: Microbiology, Immunoassays, and Molecular Biology.

Product Name

Product Description

VIDAS® tumor markers

  • These are for diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment monitoring of various cancers.
  • An excellent precision, rapid, automated, and reliable solution.

VIDAS® β2 microglobulin

  • It is an automated test for the quantitative measurement of β2 microglobulin in human serum or plasma and urine using the ELFA technique.
  • It is for the diagnosis of renal disorders and immune system diseases.

VIDAS® fertility panel

  • The VIDAS® fertility panel includes eight fully automated hormone tests for the quantitative measurement of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, testosterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH).
  • It is used in the investigation and treatment of infertility.

VIDAS® acute coronary syndrome panel

  • VIDAS® troponin I ultra, VIDAS® CK-MB, and VIDAS® Myoglobin* are automated quantitative assays for assessing myocardial infarction.

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing, manufacturing, and marketing various innovative products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets. The company believes in advancing the discovery process and improving healthcare by providing useful, high-quality products and services. The company was founded in 1952 and is publicly listed and headquartered in Hercules, California, US.

Product Name

Product Description

Platelia SARS-CoV-2 total Ab assay

  • The Platelia SARS-CoV-2 total is an ELISA assay intended for the qualitative detection of total antibodies (IgM/IgG/IgA) to SARS-CoV-2 in human serum and plasma.
  • It aids in identifying individuals with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2, indicating recent or prior infection.

D-100 hemoglobin testing system

  • It is a unique high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system to measure HbA1c with a one-touch operation and sample throughput of 80 tests per hour. 
  •  It is a fast and efficient hemoglobin analyzer and accessory for diabetes testing.

VARIANTnbs newborn hemoglobin screening system

  • The VARIANTnbs hemoglobin testing system tests newborn dried blood specimens for abnormal hemoglobins associated with sickle cell disease and other hemoglobin disorders.
  • It is specifically designed for high-capacity screening and walk-away automation, reducing labor requirements and human error.

CandiSelect agar

  • It is a selective chromogenic medium for the isolation of yeasts, direct identification of Candida albicans, and presumptive identification of C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, and C. krusei. 

Anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTg) assays

  • These kits are intended for the semi-quantitative and qualitative determination of IgA or IgG antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (tTg) in human serum.
  • The anti-tTg IgA and IgG serologic tests are highly sensitive and specific for the early diagnosis of celiac disease.

Recent Developments in the Clinical Diagnostics Market

  • On July 2022, Novacy experts in clinical diagnostics received approval for their product EXSIG™ COVID-19 direct test in the UK under CTDA legislation. 
  • On July 2022, Quotient Limited and InfYnity Biomarkers announced a collaboration under which InfYnity Biomarkers will assist Quotient in the research and design of infectious disease assays to enrich and expand the MosaiQ Serology Disease Screening (SDS) menu and reduce time and cost of development and commercialization.
  • On December 2021, Lupin, a major pharmaceutical company, announced its diagnostic business launch in India. 
  • On December 2021, Quidel Corporation, a diagnostic healthcare manufacturer, announced the acquisition of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. 
  • On November 19, 2020, Bio-Rad was granted authorization to sell or import the Platelia SARS-CoV-2 total Ab test for COVID-19 testing in Canada.
  • On October 2020, Roche received the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its COBAS® EGFR mutation test v2 as a companion diagnostic (CDx) for a broad group of therapies in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
  • On March 2020, Novacyt French received US FDA clearance for fast and easily transportable tests for the coronavirus disease. 
  • On February 2020, Biocare Medical experts in innovative, automated immunohistochemistry (IHC) reagents and instrumentation announced the launch of seven novel IVD IHC antibody markers for clinical diagnostics and research applications.
  • In May 2019, QIAGEN announced the launch of the FDA-approved THERASCREEN® PIK3CA RGQ PCR kit as a companion diagnostic to aid in identifying breast cancer. 


Clinical diagnostics describes various methods and techniques for diagnosing, identifying, and monitoring disease, condition, or injury. These techniques are reliable and accurate in most cases but also have certain challenges, including cases of false positive and false negative, risk of contamination, and spread of disease, especially in case of air-borne diseases. But owing to their numerous benefits in the healthcare sector, such as forming the basis for treatment and others, these are widely used and are always in demand. 

According to DelveInsight analysis, the clinical diagnostics market is expected to witness significant progress in growth. This can be attributed to several factors governing the clinical diagnostics market, including the rising prevalence of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, and others. Further increasing cases of lifestyle-based diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, and kidney diseases are likely to increase the demand for various clinical diagnostic techniques.

The increasing number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, gonorrhea, and others worldwide, is another major factor responsible for the growth of the clinical diagnostic market. Also, the increasing cases of infertility owing to factors such as infections, injuries, age, and others are further contributing to the growth of the clinical diagnostic market. 

Artificial intelligence can help overcome various limitations in clinical diagnostics by providing quick, accurate, and error-free diagnostic results, reducing the overall burden of healthcare professionals. 

Moreover, the rise in various awareness programs by various government and non-government organizations will also impact the clinical diagnostic market positively. These programs aim to reduce the prevalence and mortality rate of any disease by providing information regarding the disease, promoting early diagnosis, and providing access to free screening and treatment facilities. 

The demand for clinical diagnostics will increase further in the coming years owing to the huge prevalence of multiple diseases worldwide and the growing need for technologically advanced clinical diagnostic tools and techniques that can quickly, accurately, and precisely detect the presence of any disease. 

Clinical Diagnostics Market Scenario
